US-based CSRHub, a leading consensus ESG ratings and information provider, announced a benchmarking and stakeholder diagnostic tool for business intelligence on Thursday.

According to a press release, the company said the ESG Roadmap tool will save companies resources and provide them with business intelligence for sustainable growth.

It will help companies achieve improved ESG performance and impact.

The release further stated that the tool benchmarks a company’s sustainability position versus its peers and comparators.

“With increasing demands for transparency and regulatory reporting, companies are being rated on what is publicly available, whether they provide a report or not,” said CSRHub CEO Cynthia Figge in the press release.

Figge added that much like it is difficult to navigate to a destination without a map, it is challenging to direct your company’s sustainability journey without a roadmap based on your benchmarks and stakeholder engagement.

The release stated that the ESG Roadmap pinpoints the areas where a company’s message is weak or poorly understood and where the message has been successfully communicated.

Once a company knows the ESG rating sources with more impact or opposing views, the tool can engage with specific sources and adjust its message to improve its ESG ratings.

It also helps companies correct errors or omissions in their reporting and spotlights areas where ESG compliance is weak.

Founded in 2007, CSRHub covers 56,545 public and private companies, and provides ESG performance scores on over 37,899 companies from 135 industries in 210 countries.

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