Adani Green Energy Ltd (AGEL) has become the first company in India to surpass 10,000 megawatts (MW) of operational renewable energy capacity. This milestone was achieved after commissioning a 2,000 MW solar plant at the giant Khavda Solar Park in Gujarat.

AGEL’s achievement places them at the forefront of India’s clean energy transition. Their current portfolio of 10,934 MW consists of a mix of solar, wind, and wind-solar hybrid projects. This impressive capacity includes a diverse mix of solar, wind, and wind-solar hybrid projects, with a breakdown of 7,393 MW solar, 1,401 MW wind, and 2,140 MW wind-solar hybrid.

“We are proud to be India’s first ‘das hazari’ (ten thousand) in the renewables space,” said Gautam Adani, Chairman of the Adani Group. He highlighted AGEL’s rapid growth and commitment to facilitating India’s shift towards clean, reliable, and affordable energy.

The company has set ambitious goals for the future, targeting a staggering 45,000 MW of renewable energy capacity by 2030. This significant expansion is underway at the Khavda solar park, which is being developed as the world’s largest renewable energy plant with a targeted capacity of 30,000 MW. This capacity is enough to power over 5.8 million homes and prevent an estimated 21 million tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions annually.
Looking ahead, AGEL has set an ambitious target of 45,000 MW of renewable energy capacity by 2030. A key part of this strategy is the Khavda solar park, envisioned to be the world’s largest renewable energy plant at a staggering 30,000 MW capacity.

Beyond capacity, AGEL is also emphasizing sustainability. Their operating portfolio boasts certifications for being ‘single-use plastic free,’ ‘zero waste-to-landfill,’ and ‘water positive’ for plants exceeding 200 MW capacity.
The Khavda Solar Park itself is a marvel of engineering, spanning an area five times the size of Paris and nearly as large as Mumbai. AGEL has achieved the 2,000 MW milestone within just 12 months of commencing work, showcasing its impressive project execution capabilities.

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Adani Green Links 551 MW from Khavda Solar Park to National Grid